


The Children’s Creativity Room is a place where children nurture their creativity through careful observation, hands-on activities, discussion, expansion of ideas, and presentation of thoughts and ideas. We are working to nurture creativity through different approaches, including a year long after school courses, one-day workshops in collaboration with companies and governments, and training programs for educators.



Factorizing Creativity

We define creativity as “the ability to think, act, and enjoy forging a new path.“ If we factor this ability, we can divide them into eight skills:① the ability to edit information, ② observation and contemplation, ③ invention, ④ expression, ⑤ presentation, ⑥ imagination, ⑦ concentration and perseverance, and ⑧ self-affirmation. We have developed an original curriculum that aims to develop these eight skills in a well-balanced manner.



We create opportunities for children to be involved in the community

Children learn in the community. For instance, they can get involved in designing PR signs for local restaurants, creating food stall contents and opening them at local summer festivals, and so on. By creating opportunities for children to experience both the beauty and issues of the community, we aim to nurture not only creativity but also their interests for the community and society.
We are also experimenting with a curriculum that involves the local community, so that adults can get involved in what the children are challenging. It is an opportunity for them to be exposed to the issues of education in the community.