

The following is some of the projects we have worked with our clients.
We support our clients and offer proposals from various aspects to utilize the knowledge and expertise cultivated from our own projects.

Case Study

おひさまテラス クラフトルーム Ohisama Terrace Craft Room


千葉県旭市に公共施設である「多世代交流施設 おひさまテラス」がオープンしました。おひさまテラスには、ライブラリー、コワーキングスペース、音楽スタジオ、レンタルキッチンなど様々な機能が設置されており、その中のひとつであるものづくりスペース「クラフトルーム」のトータルプロデュースを担当しました。

  • 自らの手でアイデアを形にできる環境を公共施設として市民に開く場づくり
  • 既存市民の活躍や生活の質の向上に寄与するだけでなく、移住促進に繋がることを意識した企画
  • 施設オープン後も人材育成や運営アドバイス、広報支援、コンテンツ開発などで継続的にプロジェクトをサポート

Public facility unleashing the creativity of the citizens

A public facility, “Multigenerational Exchange Facility Ohisama Terrace,” has opened in Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture. Ohisama Terrace has various functions as a library, co-working space, music studio, and rental kitchen. We oversaw the total production of a craft-making space called “Craft Room”.

  • Our project is to open a public facility that provides a place where citizens can shape ideas themselves.
  • Facilitating projects that not only raise the quality of living for citizens but also promote migration/immigration.
  • Continuous support for projects after the facility opens including human resource development, operational advice, PR support, content development, etc.
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概要/ Outline

旭市Asahi City
千葉県 旭市Asahi City, Chiba Prefecture


planning and project management : AEON TOWN K.K.
operational support : Ribita Corporation

ZOZOの広場 ZOZO’s Plaza



  • 企業が有する土地を地域にシェアする場づくり
  • 企業と地域の関係性づくりの実験
  • 地域住民や企業の「想像」と「創造」でまちに新たな価値が生まれる文化発信

A individually operated public space that connects the community and the company

ZOZO’s Plaza opened prior to the completion of the headquarter building of Zozo Corporation located just across the street. It is to actualize a company rooted in the local community. Located in the center of the main street of the town, the space is not only a place for the community to play and relax, but also where imagination and creativity of various people can come and go. It is where ZOZO and the community can connect. We are comprehensively involved in the project from its conception to its operation.

  • Creating a place where companies can share their land with the local community.
  • Experimentative relationship building relationships between companies and the community.
  • A base for cultural transmission where new values are created within the community through the “imaginations” and “creativities” of local residents and companies.

事業内容/ Work Contents

概要/ Outline

株式会社ZOZOZOZO, Inc.
千葉県 千葉市 稲毛区Inage-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture

ランドスケープデザイン:スタジオケンクマガイ(STGK Inc.)

Landscape Design: Studio Ken Kumagai (STGK Inc.)
Cooperation: Snow Peak, Inc.

吉日学校 Kichijitsu School



  • 工事中の時間と空間を地域に開くことで、開発を受け入れてもらうだけでなく、新しい場所の価値を一緒に育てる関係性をつくる
  • コニュニティ形成に留まらず、地域住民の小さなチャレンジが生まれるソフト面の工夫
  • 暫定利用であることを前提として、実験感覚をもった軽やかな場づくり

A New Greeting Style: Building relationships between locals during the construction period

The “Kichijitsu School,” a temporary base available to the community, was opened through an effective use of the time spent in temporary enclosures during construction, which occurs over several years during the condominium development. The project is aimed to build relationships, look forward to the new location, and grow together.
The school makes use of the vacant land space waiting for construction to begin. We were in charge of concept-making, naming, art direction, and operational advice.

  • By opening up some space to the community during the construction period, we can not only gain acceptance for the development, but also give new values to the location with the locals.
  • Intangible effort for not only to create a community, but also to allow the local residents to challenge with small things on their own initiative.
  • It is a temporary and experimental space with an intention to create a light-hearted and casual atmosphere.
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概要/ Outline

野村不動産ホールディングス株式会社Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc.
神奈川県 横浜市Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture


project management, space design,planning and operation : ON Design Partners
space design : Eimu Masuyama
program director : NPO Hama no Toudai
cooperation : Naohiko Kamitake Laboratory, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University

UDCすみだ UDC Sumida



  • 墨田区が掲げる「大学のあるまちづくり」に共に取り組む人を増やし推進力強化
  • 公民学の連携が継続するしくみづくり
  • 活動に賛同してくれる区民・地元企業を増やすために情報が伝わりやすいPR冊子づくり
  • こどもがまちづくりに触れるきっかけづくり

Creating Ongoing Public-Private-Academic Collaboration

Urban Design Center Sumida is a community development organization for public-private-academic collaboration. It was launched with establishments of Chiba University Satellites Campus, as well as the University of information Management Innovation and Professional Studies in Sumida Ward. It is a collaborative platform for the Sumida Ward to address various local issues with the government, universities, ward residents, and local businesses. Mikey led the launch of the organization and took additional part in reviewing the outline of its activities, editing & designing PR brochures, and conducting workshops for children at forums.

  • Increase the number of people working with Sumida-ku to promote “the development of university-based community,” that Sumida-ku set out to achieve.
  • Create a mechanism to sustain collaborations between the public, private, and academic sectors.
  • Create PR brochures that capture attentions to increase the number of ward residents and local businesses that support our activities.
  • Create opportunities for children to be in touch with the development of the community.
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概要/ Outline

墨田区Sumida-ku, Tokyo
東京都 墨田区Sumida-ku, Tokyo

千葉大学 名誉教授 上野 武
千葉大学大学院工学研究科 鈴木研究室

Takeshi Ueno, Professor Emeritus, Chiba University
Suzuki Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University

JS × Inage Kaigan 3-chome Apartment Complex Renovation Project



  • 若年層が気軽に団地暮らしを体験しやすい賃貸住宅をつくる
  • まずは団地に足を運び、団地の良さを体感してもらうきっかけづくりを企画
  • DIYの面白さや団地の魅力をSNSや動画を通じて発信
  • 既存住民が若年層の新規入居者を受け入れやすいコミュニティ形成

Our aspiration for housing complexes that can be passed on

This project was for renovating vacant houses into rental housings that targeted younger generations. The issue of aging population and an increasing number of vacant living spaces provides a context for this project. The aim was to revitalize and increase the value of condominium complexes, creating model rental rooms, facilitating tours, making PR videos as well as PR support.

  • Create a rental housings that allows young people to comfortably experience the lifestyle in a housing complex.
  • Create opportunities for young people to visit and experience the advantages of apartment complexes.
  • Communicate the fun of DIY projects and the appeal of apartment complexes through SNS and videos.
  • Create a community where existing residents can easily accept new young residents.
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事業内容/ Work Contents

概要/ Outline

日本総合住生活株式会社Japan General Housing Corporation
千葉県 千葉市 美浜区Mihama-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture

動画制作:山根 晋

project management, interior design : ON Design Partners
web design : Nogan Corporation
video production : Susumu Yamane