西山 芽衣 Mei Nishiyama
1989年、群馬県生まれ。千葉大学工学部建築学科を卒業。まちづくりの企画プロデュースを行う(株)北山創造研究所に入社し、西千葉の地域活性化プロジェクトを担当する中で「HELLO GARDEN」「西千葉工作室」の企画・立ち上げを行う。場づくりに継続的に関わりたいと思い、2014年同社を退社し、「HELLO GARDEN」「西千葉工作室」の運営母体であるマイキーに入社。企画・コンテンツ開発・アートディレクション・人材育成など幅広いスキルを活かして、西千葉のみならず日本全国で人の日常の舞台となる場づくりと人々の創造的な活動のサポートに取り組む日々。現在は夫婦で団地暮らしを楽しむ。
Mei Nishiyama
Born in Gunma Prefecture in 1989. After graduating from Chiba University (the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering), she joined Kitayama Creative Research Institute, a company that plans and produces urban development projects. She was in charge of a project aimed to revitalize Nishi-Chiba area, where she planned and launched “Hello Garden” and “Nishi-Chiba Workshop”. In 2014, she left the company to join Mikey, the management body of “HELLO GARDEN” and “Nishi-Chiba Workshop,” in order to continue making “places” for the locals. She now utilizes her wide range of skills in planning, content development, art direction, and human resource development. She spends her days creating “places” that serves the people as stages of their daily lives that support their creative activities not only in Nishi-Chiba but also throughout Japan. Currently, she and her partner enjoy living in “Danchi”, renovated apartment complex.